Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 25 Ferry to Labardor

We were up early this morning. The goal was to make the short drive to St Barbe and make an earlier ferry than our scheduled 6:00 pm. Sure enough we made it and got on the 1:00 pm boat. The wind were blowing pretty good but it was hard guess at what our crossing would be like. It turned out that the boat was rocking. Sue managed to hold it together but was not feeling very good when we landed.
The first pictures are from St Barbe. When you see the iceberg we are coming into Quebec, just 4 km from Labrador. I got to talking to the gift shop clerk about what to see while we are here. Her instructions were to go to the lighthouse first. The lighthouse is the tallest in all of Canada, The walls are 6 feet thick and the foundation is some 30 feet deep. I believe it is 134 feet tall. Great views from the top.

Depth of this window well is 6 feet

Looking down the stair well


We did see a couple  of whales while at the light house. Following the clerks suggestion we drove back in to Quebec to a beach where the whales were feeding. I have no idea how many there were but sometimes you could see 3 spouts at a time. What great fun we had.

Next stop was to have a late dinner at the suggested restaurant, another Anchor. I think the name is very popular here. Meal was great.

Last stop was at Grenfell Louie A. Hall Bed and Breakfast. This is an old nursing station in Forteau. We were met by Peggy Hancock and shown to our lovely room.

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